Шекспир. Венецианский купец.
Постановка театральной группы Shakespeare Theatre Lab Moscow с актёрами, прошедшими наш курс шекспировского театра. Играется в оригинале.
Приблизительная продолжительность 1,5 часа. Сбор гостей в 20:00, начало в 20:15
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.
Showcase performance with the Shakespeare Theatre Lab acting course participants.
Guests welcome at 20:00, show beginning 20:15.
Directed by:
Lydia Robinson - actress, teacher and director from London, England, trained at ALRA South (The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts, London). She worked as an actress in the UK and worldwide before coming to Russia. Here she has worked with many adults and children teaching drama, singing and English language through various creative projects. She wrote and directed her own play ‘O’Shea Saved Me’.
Olga Blagodatskikh - actor, voice-over artist and teacher. She trained at RADA (the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London), worked in both England and Moscow taking part in many projects including Romeo and Juliet’ with 60-Hour Shakespeare and regularly performs in classical projects such as Shake-Scene Shakespeare productions. Olga is founder and host of Shakespeare Play Reading Club online which unites Shakespeare performers worldwide. www.spotlight.com/7610-7836-8904
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